Despite my questions about this program — several winning projects have yet to materialize — I’m letting you know that it’s time again when you can vote for which Hartford Decides project gets funded. Each Hartford resident age 10 and up can vote for two projects.

It would have been nice to see two groups collaborate — for instance, one to suggest bus stop benches and another to fund tree planting at the same locations, or one to suggest RRFBs and another to fund road-narrowing flower pots, but when you have competitions for money, people would have to overcome the inherent individualism of it.

Our picks this time around:

  • Choice G: Bus stop enhancements. These include benches and concrete boarding areas. Nobody stands at bus stops asking to see transit passes from those using the seats, so these actually serve more than just people waiting on their public transportation.

I am very intentionally NOT recommending that funds go to the Pulaski Circle project because pedestrian-activated flashing lights are not a serious solution. Without also substantial narrowing travel lanes using giant flower pots or jersey barriers, and installing speed humps, all that would be funded is a false sense of security.

Here’s the voting form. You have until June 30, 2024.