After 14+ years of begging for bike parking at a well-funded cultural institution, some was finally installed almost two years ago. They even mention it on their website.

However, this is how the parking looks these days.

Days is correct.

The top photo was taken on May 18, 2024.

The next photos were taken on May 19, 2024.

Chances are, someone thought that they were parking “out of the way” . . . but, of what?

Most people would recognize double parking as inconsiderate, yet think nothing of it when it comes to obstructing bicycle parking. And you just know that if someone scratched a car with their bicycle maneuvering in/out of the one space designated for bikes, the driver would positively freak out.

For those who aren’t used to moving around with other modes, this is the question to ask: Would you treat drivers this way? If the answer is “no”, then let’s be consistent of how we behave toward other people and their transportation.