Support independent bookstores that choose locations that are accessible by public transportation!
Transit-accessible businesses make themselves available to people who:
- would like to start reading as soon as they leave the store. Can’t read a book while driving, but you can while waiting for and riding the bus and train.
- are too young to legally drive
- cannot, for a variety of other reasons, drive
- cannot afford a private vehicle
- don’t want to rely on family and friends for a ride, especially those who are going to grumble about how long they’re taking browsing the shelves
- would rather spend their money on books than on car insurance
This map shows independent bookstores that are accessible by public transportation in Connecticut.
There is a caveat: simply being near a bus stop or train station is not considered accessible if the person has to walk on a busy road that lacks sidewalks or asks them to play Frogger to cross the street.
This is interactive, so click the slider at the top left to get a list of the stores, click on the thing that looks like a frame to make the map larger, and click the purple book icons to get details about what routes serve each store and if there are suggested walks from the stop to the shop.
And remember:
Top Image by Drazen Zigic on Freepik
If there are any needed additions or subtractions, please contact. This is intended to be useful.
Indie Bookstores + Public Transportation = ❤️
Support independent bookstores that choose locations that are accessible by public transportation!
Transit-accessible businesses make themselves available to people who:
This map shows independent bookstores that are accessible by public transportation in Connecticut.
There is a caveat: simply being near a bus stop or train station is not considered accessible if the person has to walk on a busy road that lacks sidewalks or asks them to play Frogger to cross the street.
This is interactive, so click the slider at the top left to get a list of the stores, click on the thing that looks like a frame to make the map larger, and click the purple book icons to get details about what routes serve each store and if there are suggested walks from the stop to the shop.
And remember:
Top Image by Drazen Zigic on Freepik
If there are any needed additions or subtractions, please contact. This is intended to be useful.
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