There is nobody in Hartford

Person holding flowers at bus stop

Except the people buying flowers

And the people selling flowers

Man selling flowers from truck

Except people crossing streets in residential neighborhoods

Person walking while wearing mask

And in the central business district

People crossing the street

There’s nobody in Hartford

Family in the park

Except families in this park

Children running through park

And families in that park


Except people walking their sassy dogs

People and a sassy dog

There’s nobody in Hartford

People walking

Except people in downtown on the weekend

people walking

There’s nobody in Hartford

People sitting by pond, having church outside

Except those attending church services in the park

People riding bicycles through park

Except those riding and scooting through

People with scooters

There is nobody in Hartford

Man drinking iced tea as hipsters walk by

Except a man enjoying his iced tea while young people walk on by

Bushnell Park

This place is a Ghost Town