As you will note, there is no question mark on this sign.
This statement is not up for debate.
If for some reason you found your way to this page and feel like uttering “yeah, but” or “all lives matter” or “I don’t see race,” I’m not going to tell you to go away. You have a lot to learn and would do well to keep reading.
But you sure as shit won’t have any voice in the comment section.
Where We Live
As you will note, there is no question mark on this sign.
This statement is not up for debate.
If for some reason you found your way to this page and feel like uttering “yeah, but” or “all lives matter” or “I don’t see race,” I’m not going to tell you to go away. You have a lot to learn and would do well to keep reading.
But you sure as shit won’t have any voice in the comment section.
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