Because there are only so many times a person can watch Love, Actually before deciding it’s time to get out of the house, many Christmas plays and performances were viewed this season. What lessons were learned?
From live action Mad LibsAn Improvised Christmas Carol at Sea Tea Comedy Theater, the true meaning of “Bah, humbug!” was revealed through its replacement with an emphatic “Rocketah Socketah!”.
A Christmas Carol at Hartford Stage taught the importance of quick reflexes. Fake snow falling on the audience means flakes in open cocktails if you do not move fast enough.
Christmas on the Rocks at TheatreWorks never fails to remind us that Frosty the Snowman will always be in the lower tier of holiday movies, and that there are reasons for why A Christmas Story and A Charlie Brown Christmas are more popular. The dark twist TheatreWorks applies to these stories adds appeal for those ambivalent about the holiday. Pro Tip: if you’re looking for a good public cry, the final scene is a solid time for one.
Most educational, however, was Sea Tea Improv‘s Chatterbox / Several Santas, Just After Christmas. A panel of three Santas, one Mrs. Claus, and one Flake (Santa’s personal assistant) talked about the depression real life Santas are prone to when the spotlight shifts after December 25th. Not to worry, an extensive Santa network provides resources to help these guys out. For some, it may help that they transition into pirates during the rest of the year.
Christmas: It’s a Production!
Because there are only so many times a person can watch Love, Actually before deciding it’s time to get out of the house, many Christmas plays and performances were viewed this season. What lessons were learned?
live action Mad LibsAn Improvised Christmas Carol at Sea Tea Comedy Theater, the true meaning of “Bah, humbug!” was revealed through its replacement with an emphatic “Rocketah Socketah!”.Related Posts
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