The Charter Oak story teaches me two things: (1) anything a king can give you he can take away; the only rights we have are those we can defend, and: (2) while the Charter was written for the benefit of a few landed white Protestant men, it shouldn’t just be judged by its limits. Better to measure it by the power it takes away from the monarch.
Linda Pagani
Outside, above an entrance to the State Capitol. Great carving of Captain Joseph Wadsworth hiding the Fundamental Orders in the “Charter Oak.”
Kerri Provost
Yes it is!
The Fundamental Orders weren’t hid in the Charter Oak, the Charter was hidden in the Charter Oak. The Fundamental Orders were an earlier document that is notable because it established self-governance and is the first Western written constitution. The Charter of 1662, on the other hand, was a grant from the King. cf.
Kerri Provost
Wikipedia is not a legit source, bro.
I cited to wikipedia, because it has the text.
Linda Pagani
I stand corrected on what was hidden. No matter: I still think it’s a great carved depiction.
Steve Thornton
The Charter Oak story teaches me two things: (1) anything a king can give you he can take away; the only rights we have are those we can defend, and: (2) while the Charter was written for the benefit of a few landed white Protestant men, it shouldn’t just be judged by its limits. Better to measure it by the power it takes away from the monarch.