Welcome to Hartford’s Quiet Corner, where you can hear the leaves crunch beneath your feet sooner than feel the bass booming from a Honda Civic which has had a wing fused to its trunk.

There may be people lurking in the bushes.

No place is perfect.

The South West feels like a safe suburb, but without the snobbishness that a certain neighboring town has a reputation for. As we walked, we noticed some stickers and graffiti on traffic signs, but not a single piece of litter or abandoned pile of dog poop.

We were able to pass an elementary school without hearing children cursing and without smelling marijuana, both of which seem to hang in a fog over a number of school zones in the city.

You might say this neighborhood feels blessed.

But it might be damned.

If you drive by, you might miss the lawn gnomes that reside in every third yard.

You might blink and miss the deer on a front lawn.

The houses here spawn smaller houses, from those for birds to backyard playhouses for kids.

The neighborhood might also house pirates.






the revolution begins here