The minor scuffs to the Bushnell Park lawn are a blight when created by users who have not thrown money at the City by way of permits, but massive ruts left after a single Saturday’s over-programming of the same space is acceptable. Here’s proof. All photos were taken on Saturday during the City’s EnvisionFest:
Nothing shows walkability of a space like having three carts zipping across the lawn.
Autumn is rutting season for politicos.
Nice one.
In theory, those event organizers paid a turf deposit and that’ll be deducted.
In practice, they laid off the parks division and there’s no one to do any of those things.
I don’t understand why most of the vehicles can not be parked on the streets and unloaded from there. From what I observed, nearly all the tents in the park were underutilized on Saturday.
Have you ever met a person with a truck or seen an ad for a truck? The reason people buy trucks is to drive them in inappropriate places to feel important.
Kerri Provost
Remember when this was stuck in the mud in Bushnell Park last year?