Though it only takes seconds for the police to reach Main and Asylum from the current substation across from the Hartford Public Library, a new substation was approved for this location, which is across from a major bus stop.
The following letter from Mayor Segarra was submitted to the City Council:
This kiosk was formerly a newsstand.
While the area could use police presence more than others — go stand at that bus stop for ten minutes and see (or smell) the range of activities going on — it seems to duplicate services provided just blocks away.
I understand the frustration over the seemingly duplicate services that would be offered Downtown, but as an avid and regular bus user, I’ve often seen seen “flash mobs” of youth, not to mention a fight break out, without any police intervention or noticeable presence, even though the current Police Substation is obly a block away. Having such noticeable presence in a high traffic area, even with the smallness of the kiosk, (for what practicality does it really serve as a substation other than it’s visible presence,) will not only make me feel more comfortable as a bus user, especially in the evening hours, but will cut down on the rowdy behavior of these persons.
Is this the newsstand right next to the parking lot, across street from BK? The-almost-looks-like-a-Doctor-Who-tardis thing that is wide enough for about 4 POs back-back? What are they going to do in there, drop an elevator to a below-ground substation? Funny, I thought there was another former substation right around the corner on Pearl we already had to cover up with quasiMonet artwork just to ever have a chance to get anyone interested in buying it sometime in the next decade.
Kerri Provost
That’s the one.