As I hinted at in a previous post, schlepping down to Washington D.C. is on my list of things I do not enjoy. It’s not D.C. itself that bothers me, just the dull, non-scenic trip. As historical of a day as this is, getting on a bus/train/plane to stand among millions without even a chance of seeing President Obama seemed rather pointless, so, I stayed in Hartford and watched the inaugural events on a friend’s widescreen television. Being among friends and warm acquaintances, indoors, with tissues handy and cameras out is a memory I will cherish. Someone cooked molasses sweet potatoes, and another person made a special Obama cake, pictured below.


Below are a few pics of the tv screen, for anyone who might’ve missed all of the coverage today.

her hat is beautiful

notice “FACT” at bottom of screen

Speech right after taking oath of office