I vaguely remember a poster that was on the wall in my Creative Writing class in high school. And by vaguely, I just mean that I know it existed. It mentioned mediocrity, which none of us understood at the time. The teacher loved to explain how “just good enough” was not enough.

Helder is trying to pass that message on  to the Hartford politicians who aren’t very concerned with education or communication.

I’d like to take a moment to add to his post:

Dear Hartford Politicians,

This means you! I know that Hartford’s adult literacy rate is shameful. If a person enters the Hartford Public School system, statistically, they are more likely to leave it unable to read above a sixth grade level. With that in mind, you do not need to assume that Hartford residents will not notice gratuitous spelling and grammatical errors in your campaign literature. More than just one of you are guilty of this. I do not vote for people who can’t be bothered to send their shit through spell check.

Thanks for your time,
